30 May 2020 Minneapolis (History Glitch), 2020
8 1/2 x 11 1/2 in
I am a British-born Chinese artist who believes in bearing witness to our histories by making art. In these extraordinary times, our lives are profoundly transformed and offer a focal point for positive change. Making art about our histories is to mark it as a moment to understand its roots of how it came to be, its current emotive power and responding to what future we might want.
"China Virus" is a name propagated by the Trump administration in reference to COVID-19 that stokes anti-Chinese racism, spiking hate crimes against Asians. History has shown us the dehumanising dangers of fascist leaders who racialise viruses for political gains. The diseases and leaders are different, but we have been here before.
I watched in horror, like many others around the world, the indiscriminate killing of George Floyd who became the current 2019/2020 pinnacle of over 1400 killings of mostly poor people of colour per year by US police. Along with the surreal mishandling of the pandemic by the richest and most powerful nation in the world, it has shown us a broken system. Meanwhile, the US Federal Reserve printed trillions of dollars and anonymously gave it to corporations to artificially skyrocket their own stock prices despite record unemployment rates beyond those of the Great Depression. It's an unprecedented transfer of wealth to the upper echelons of society and dilution of purchasing power for the poor. It is unsurprising to see the tinder of anxiety explode into flames of protests.
‘History glitch’ is a series where Cheung uses the sorting algorithm to bear witness to current history by forming visuals that he refers to as ‘digital sands of time’. The ‘blurring’ suggests time in motion and also a meditative space of uncertainty to question the narratives of histories.
A glitch is a mistake associated with technology that has been harnessed for aesthetic value to sometimes suggest nostalgia of a particular decade within an era of accelerating change. A glitch can occur when a bug in the code, loss of transmitted information or failure of hardware of software renders the result into strange renderings or for example the ability in games to go through walls and floors. This type of malfunction disrupts the persistence of perception and suspension of disbelief making us aware of the screen, pulling us away from the illusory and flickering in between the spaces of the actual and virtual. This notion of the information landscapes that we all navigate can become thresholds of worlds from where we can meditate about the who, what and why am I to explore questions about our humanity.
Signed and numbered edition of 15 / 10 AP with 100% of proceeds to National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Legal Defense Fund.