“Beauty in Isolation” is a collaboration between Gordon Cheung and Martin Klipp from LAbased Beyond Art Creative. The landscapes present a raw observation of our own dystopianfuture made reality. This...
“Beauty in Isolation” is a collaboration between Gordon Cheung and Martin Klipp from LAbased Beyond Art Creative. The landscapes present a raw observation of our own dystopianfuture made reality. This is the first series in a globe-spanning new body of work that realizesour ability as humans to envision beauty amidst the adversity of our own personal isolation.The initial series focuses on seemingly idyllic American landscapes that have been capturedby different people on cell phones during COVID-19 isolation. The images are juxtaposedand repurposed by Cheung's trademark glitch technique which underscores the impendingdark undertow of personal and political turmoil echoing the fragility of the situation acrossthe world.