Comprised of a HK map and fictional monoliths emblazoned with graffiti of Motoko from Ghost in the Shell. A cult anime classic based its city on Hong Kong, often used...
Comprised of a HK map and fictional monoliths emblazoned with graffiti of Motoko from Ghost in the Shell. A cult anime classic based its city on Hong Kong, often used as a backdrop in science fiction to explore the intersections of old and new architecture. The compressed futuristic city is composed of layered expressions of humanity, history and civilisation, forming a feedback loop that we collectively define but also simultaneously defines our identities. The graffiti is the moment when Motoko looks up, breaking the fourth wall, apparently sees another version of herself in a building, sparking the profound existential questions of ‘who, why and what am I?’, universal questions of consciousness and the germinating seeds of transformation.
Tears of Paradise, Edel Assanti Gallery, London, UK (01/23/2020 to 03/19/2020) Home, Galerie Huit, Hong Kong (11/16/2018 to 01/11/2019) Untitled Art Fair Miami 2019 (12/02/2019 to 12/08/2019)